If you think of celery as a vegetable that is too fibrous, with annoying strands and a strong flavor, you have not yet tasted the
white celery
. The white variety of this vegetable is refined, with a mild flavor and delicate texture. And why are we telling you about it just now? For three very important reasons:

  1. It is in season.
  2. At Vicente Peris we produce top quality white celery almost all year round.
  3. White celery is a perfect food to complement when we have eaten too much.

Come, we will take you to one of our white celery fields.

Will you teleport with us to the orchard? We show you one of our fields of white celery.

Planting of white celery

Planting of white celery

The planting was done at the end of the summer, with the objective that it would be at its optimum moment right now, in the change from autumn to winter, when the white celery is of the highest quality. As in any crop, varieties matter a lot in order to obtain the best product. In this case, at Vicente Peris we work with a variety that withstands very well the high temperatures that still occur during the first phase of cultivation, and that offers a celery with magnificent properties, both organoleptic (flavor, texture, color…) and nutritional.

The last few weeks have been intense, with constant monitoring of the crop to decide the optimal time to harvest. This is how the fields were a few days ago, covered with a green mantle that under its leaves hide the white gold we are talking about today.

The wait is over and we are currently in the middle of harvesting. Its appearance differs markedly from green celery. In this case what we obtain is a robust stem, white in color with very light greenish or yellowish tones, depending on its point of maturity. Its cultivation is more complex than that of green celery, but the quality of the product and the ‘gourmet’ qualification that this variety receives, compensate for the efforts.

White celery in I and IV Range presentations

Packaged Peris white celery

Packaged Peris white celery

At Peris we are specialists in white celery and we sell it all year round. Thanks to the versatility of our facilities, we offer it in different formats. In I Gama we can find it in branch, with its leaves, or only in stems, both in bags and in trays. On IV Range we offer white celery with the stalks cut, sliced or chopped. This handling work is carried out in our clean room, a highly innovative space that allows us to work the product in an environment where food safety is assured. We also make sure that this phase does not affect the quality of the final product, which will remain perfect thanks to the constant temperature control.

The IV Gama is very useful to save time in the kitchen, since the product comes clean, peeled and chopped, so that you only need to add it to your recipes.

White celery can be consumed in many different ways. As a crudité with a light sauce (yogurt is great), in smoothies, salads, and also in creams or stews -never miss in your lentils 😉 -Or simply boiled with a little oil and salt.

Nutritional benefits of white celery

Let’s start with ancient Greece. Does Hippocrates ring a bell? Well, this Greek physician, famous for his Hippocratic oath, was the first to detect the diuretic properties of celery back in the 5th century B.C., a vegetable that until then was used only as an aromatic plant, and whose diuretic property, to this day, has not yet been demonstrated. Its consumption was gradually popularized until the Middle Ages, when it became its health properties made it a highly appreciated vegetable. Let’s go into detail!

One of its main components is potassium (341mg. per 100gr.), a mineral that contributes to the normal functioning of the nervous system and muscles, as well as to the maintenance of normal blood pressure.

Celery is also considered, according to current legislation, to be a source of vitamin K and folates (vitamin B9). Vitamin K contributes to normal blood coagulation and to the maintenance of normal bones. On the other hand, folic acid (also known as folate or vitamin B9) contributes to the growth of maternal tissues during pregnancy, to the normal synthesis of amino acids, to the normal functioning of the immune system, and to the reduction of tiredness and fatigue.

In conclusion, if you bet on white celery in your diet, you will be betting on a very healthy wellness diet. And if that white celery is Vicente Peris, you will have the highest quality of this product assured.