We know that fruit is a pillar of a healthy diet, but… Are there better times than others to consume it: before, during or after meals? Here we tell you about it with a bit of science and common sense, without leaving aside something that in Peris we like very much, to enjoy to the maximum of what we eat.

Fruit between meals: the smart choice

Eating fruit between meals is a classic good habit, and for good reason. The fiber in fruit helps to increase satiety and helps you avoid being ravenously hungry at the next meal. In addition, if you choose fruit or vegetable snacks such as carrot sticksyou displace other less interesting foods such as pastries, cookies or snacks. And that, my friends, is a win-win for your health and your blood sugar.

Our advice? Keep a jar of Peris Frutifresh from Peris. Cut fruit, ready and without excuses – what more could you ask from life? 😉

Fruit before meals: better this than none at all

In Spain we still eat very little fruit and vegetables. So if you feel like a slice of melon while waiting for the lentils to cook… go ahead! Better fruit than chips or an ultra-processed snack bar. Of course, if we are strict, nutritionally this option is the least interesting of the three, because fruit after meals brings additional benefits. But come on, we are not going to be the ones who will be against adding fruit to your diet at any time. Everything contributes!

Fruit after meals: the master stroke

Fruit after lunch is the best. Undoubtedly, the winning option. Not only because it puts the sweet finishing touch to the meal in a natural way, but also because its vitamin C helps to better absorb iron, especially of vegetable origin (legumes, spinach…). If your dish has had lentils, chard or even red meat, topping it with a piece of melon or a tub of watermelon is the smartest way to take advantage of all its nutrients.

Besides, what do you prefer: a slice of melon or ending up with a flan or a custard with tons of sugar? Here we have it clear.

What about juices?

No, it’s not. Fruit juice is not the best choice, even if you make it yourself at home. When you squeeze the fruit, the sugar that was trapped in its food matrix is released, increasing its glycemic index and behaving almost like a sugary soft drink. And if you squeeze an orange and leave the pulp? Not either! It’s not at all the same as eating it whole.

The same goes for melon or watermelon smoothies. You’d better enjoy the fruit as it is, sliced or with our IV range Frutifresh by Peris, which makes it easy for you to enjoy without complications.

So, what’s the bottom line?

The best time to eat fruit is… when you eat it! But if you can choose, after meals and between meals are the most recommended options. Of course, always whole and with all its fiber. Nature has already made it perfect, and in Peris we only help you to enjoy it in the most comfortable and delicious way.

Sources: National Library of Medicine
https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/16508250/ https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/16508250/