Hands up those who eat 3 pieces of fruit a day! If you have raised your hand, we congratulate you for two reasons, because you are eating the daily fruit ration recommended by the Ministry of Health(three pieces of fruit a day of between 120 and 200 grams) and because you are above the average fruit consumption in Spain. The reasons why we do not reach the recommended consumption are diverse, according to different studies and expert analysis. For example, for Manuel Moñino, head of the scientific committee of the association “5 a day” and researcher at the Center for Biomedical Research Network (CIBEROBN), there is a high percentage of people who have eliminated fruit as a dessert because miracle diets have spread the hoax that it is fattening. Another study published in Nutrition Reviews, an academic journal of Oxford University Press, identifies several factors that contribute to this deficit in consumption of both fruit and vegetables, and these are inconvenience, preparation time and affordability. At Peris we have been working as producers and distributors of fruit and vegetables since 1944, so we know this reality very well. From our fields and production plants, many kilos of fresh-cut fruits (whole, unprocessed pieces) of melons, watermelons and pumpkins, among others, are shipped daily. But we are aware that there is a sector of consumers who are demanding more convenient formats, allowing them to consume fruits and vegetables in a quicker and simpler way, without this meaning that there is a loss of product quality, obviously.

Peeling, cutting and manual packaging of natural fruit
Constant innovation in the fresh cut range, because there is always room for improvement.
Every day we rethink things. Absolutely every day. Can we further improve the products we prepare? We can say that every year we achieve several improvements and innovations, some of them may seem little, but deep down they are not, because innovation is also present in the smallest details. One of the latest innovations we have worked with El Corte Inglés, who asked us for a new cut for fresh pineapple, a product that we usually find in sliced cylinders, a format that we also work with at Peris. In this case, a different cut was sought, one that would be even more convenient to consume, both at home and outdoors, as a way of snack or if we go on a picnic. And that has translated into pineapple on spears or sticks..
En lugar de cortarla en horizontal, obteniendo rodajas, la hemos cortado en vertical, lo que permite un cambio en el modo de consumo.

Piña natural pelada, cortada y envasada
With prepared fruit you will eat 40% more
Do you consider that you do not eat the recommended amount of fruit per day? If served peeled and chopped, would you consume more of it? If the answer is yes, you should change the consumption habit and opt for peeled and chopped fruit. In fact,
at Peris we have proven that fruit consumption increases by around 40% when it is prepared and ready to eat. In addition, in the work processes we carry out at Peris with fruit destined for pre-prepared convenience food, we take the utmost care of hygiene and food safety. For this purpose, we have a special area called clean room, where temperature and humidity are constantly controlled, which also ensures that the fruit will maintain its freshness and nutritional value even when peeled and cut.
Our careful packaging system reinforces these characteristics, so that the fruit arrives to you as if we had just peeled and cut it for you. If you want to know more about our selection of fresh-cut peeled fruits and vegetables, or where to buy them, do not hesitate to contact us. We answer all your questions at buzon@vicenteperis.com.