After a long wait, we now have striped watermelon from Spain. Fruits arrive with good brix level, correct firmness and intense coloration. It is a good start that unfortunately has been tarnished with a campaign on social networks from COAG Almeria that uses a video with images from mid-February to proclaim the null presence of Spanish product compared to other origins. The lack of accurate information in the accusations of the spokesman Andres Gongora, secretary general of COAG Almeria and COAG sectoral representative for fruit and vegetables in Spain, and his aggressive speech towards a single banner of distribution to whom PERIS provides melon and watermelon, we are surprised and concerned. The supporting images in the video show products of quality not currently available in Spain (black watermelon and piel de sapo melon) or with dates when either there was no availability or the quality was insufficient due to premature sizing or cutting. In addition, at times of changes of origin, the coexistence of items on the shelves is common, until the new origin Spain is imposed in a natural way, as it is known from the sector. Since this week, all our striped watermelon is of Bengala variety, Nijar origin and this is reflected in the labeling, putting consumer information before the omission to avoid conflicts promoted by social agents with objectives far from defending the reality of a sector where branding companies such as PERIS try to defend the interests of all parties. This policy of the troubled river undermines the hinge role of union representatives and encourages the omission of information to consumers on the shelves of the other major chains for fear of manipulated controversies. We hope that this recurring issue is settled every year with products produced by Vicente Peris S.A. and we consider that a rectification by COAG and its representative would be desirable, in order to close this artificial controversy that harms the sector and prevents its progress and consolidation.