The seasonal melon grown in Spain is here. And also, in its best version, which is the melon grown outdoors, outside the greenhouses, which are the usual home of early season melons.

At Peris we have butterflies in our stomachs, because melon is our fruit par excellence, with which we started our activity almost 80 years ago. And although the experience is extensive, we live each melon campaign with the same illusion and uncertainty, because the weather is an enormous conditioning factor, as well as uncontrollable.

This season has been challenging due to the rains. In Murcia, where we started the national ‘street melon’ campaign, it has been raining non-stop for weeks. And not only that, but also with stone. This has damaged part of the production, both the melon pieces and the plants themselves. In agriculture, everything is that volatile.

However, our field team is simply wonderful. And from adversity comes a new energy that allows us to bounce back and look at the positive side, such as the fact that many plots are in perfect condition or have only been affected in a very small percentage.

So that’s how we go, day by day, working to minimize problems and to offer the best product, which also, in the case of the harvest from Murcia, is all under the GlobalG.A.P. standards and more than 50% of the total harvest is typified as zero waste melons. In other words, sustainability on all 4 sides.

Because what we like most in this world is to make healthy and quality food available to consumers. Yes, yes… We could be satisfied with just making food available, which is already a lot. But at Peris we like to go further and quality is our driving force.

Peris melons of street and national season, already in markets

Melon box Gold by Vicente Peris.

Despite the multiple circumstances that we have been saving, since this week, the Peris melons of season and national open-air cultivation are already in the markets.

These first melons of the season arriving from Murcia come from fields with partially sandy soils, something that suits melons very well. Crop monitoring is permanent and the processes are sustainable. Irrigation, for example, is drip irrigation and water is obtained from ponds we have on the property. Although with the recent rains, irrigation has been minimized as much as possible.

In early August we will begin to harvest the piel de sapo melon grown in Castilla-La Mancha, another area whose climate is ideal for the cultivation of this delicious fruit. There, the weather has not been so adverse, at least so far, so everything is calm and the harvest is in perfect condition.

Choose a Peris melon to make sure you don’t miss: we introduce you to our brands

Melons Dolce Melon, Gold quality, Vicentín and 18 Quilates from Vicente Peris.

At Peris the melons are ‘branded’. This means that we vouch for their quality. Within the Peris melon family, there are different options, based on concepts such as size, variety or quality level: first, extra, premium… We present them to you!

Melon Peris Dolce:

Melons of about 3 kilos per piece, with an excellent quality-price ratio.

Melon Peris Gold:

Melons over 3 kilos, delicious and sweet. Perfect for the daily life of a melon connoisseur.

Melon Vicentín:

Only the best melons from our harvest will have the honor of carrying the ‘Vicentín’ label. These melons are of good caliber, weighing around or more than 4 kilos. They come only from the first flower of the bush, which provides the best quality piece. It is harvested at the optimum moment of maturity. And if you want,
you can buy your Vicentín melon in our online store.

Melon 18 Carat:

If Vicentín is the best of all our melon production, 18 Carat melons are the best of the best, the crème de la crème, the icing on the cake…

They are perfect pieces inside and out. Their flesh is dense and firm, they are very sweet melons, since their brix degrees are considerably high. It is a melon that makes a difference.

Our melons are found in the best fruit stores in the country, those whose main motivation is to offer the highest quality to their customers. They can be found in the most select greengrocers of the main cities, in central markets and also in the supermarkets of El Corte Inglés. Also
you can also buy the 18 Carat melon in our online store, although as it is such a select melon, it is not always in stock.

How to choose a good melon

We understand very well that when you go to choose a melon you have a thousand doubts. We all want the perfect melon: sweet, juicy and with an ideal texture.

If the melon in front of you is Peris, any of our brands, don’t think too much about it. They have all undergone several selection processes, both in the field and when they arrive at the production hall, where we prepare them to go out to meet you.

If you have any other melon in front of you, these are the tips we give you to choose a good melon among all the options available to you.

  1. Choose a melon that has a good balance between size and weight: the ideal is to choose pieces between 3 to 4.5 kilos.
  2. Perfect shape and skin, no bumps and no wounds.
  3. Take the melon, feel it firm and weighty, compact.

In this video we give you more practical tips to choose the best melon. And enjoy this wonderful fruit!