Vending machines get us out of a jam from time to time. When you are in places like the subway platform, a hospital, a university and you need to quench your thirst or replenish your strength with a quick snack. But what do we usually find in this type of machine? Usually unhealthy options, with a lot of added sugar and saturated fats, unless you find yourself in a Teika vending machine. In that case, the story changes quite a bit.

For nearly a year, Teika has been offering our Frutifresh peeled and cut fruit tubs in its machines, a healthy and delicious option that its customers are very grateful for, as many of them choose them over other types of food. Teika has been a pioneer in introducing fresh fruit in its distribution points. It’s a decision that speaks volumes about their commitment to healthy eating, because fruit requires more complicated logistics. Its life is shorter than the rest of the food that you can find in this type of machines, so it forces an operator to make more visits so that there is a constant quality control on the fruit packages.

The fruits chosen by Teika are melon and pineapple, in 125g and 200g tubs, and are found in machines distributed in all types of spaces, including universities and hospitals, but also business centers, large companies and SMEs. The response from consumers is very positive and Teika is already planning to further increase the volume of this type of healthy products, which are complemented by sugar-free, salt-free and gluten-free processed products.

Quality, the differential aspect of Frutifresh fruit

The decision to choose Peris as a supplier of peeled and sliced fresh fruit was a combination of factors, on the one hand the quality of its products, something that is a priority for Teika, and on the other hand the proximity, since both companies are from Valencia, which facilitates logistics.

The Frutifresh fruit tubs that you can find in Teika’s vending machines come out of the clean room that we have in Albuixech, where there is a previous work of selection of the best product, based on its quality and the optimal moment of maturation. Our technicians peel and cut the fruits, which are packed in a protective atmosphere, allowing the fruit to have a shelf life of 5 to 7 days, naturally and without artificial preservatives. The tubs are prepared daily according to order, there is no stock, which ensures the highest possible freshness and quality.

Both Teika and we at Peris agree on our vision of the importance of healthy consumption habits, something we promote through different actions, especially with schools and through sports, by sponsoring popular races. Teika, for its part, is immersed in the campaign ‘They play, we all win’, in which they support women’s sports, something they conceive to be totally aligned with healthy eating.