Melon fritters with ham recipe

Ready in
Ideal for
Lunch, Dinner or Appetizer
- Melon piel de sapo 1,5 kg
- 6-8 slices of serrano ham
- 1 cup of tempura flour
- 250 cc of very cold sparkling water
Step by step instructions for melon and ham fritters recipe
Step 1
Cut the Peris piel de sapo melon into 4×3 centimeter cubes, as we are going to wrap them with the slices of ham, but we do not want it to exceed the slice. We reserve.
Step 2
We prepare the tempura, if we do not find it prepared we can prepare it ourselves by sifting the same amount of wheat flour and corn flour and mixing with an egg and sparkling water, very cold. We reserve.
Step 3
Wrap the 4×3 centimeter cubes of melon with the ham slices. We reserve.
Step 4
Dip the diced melon wrapped in serrano ham into the tempura and fry.