The pumpkin, known as the fruit of the autumn orchard, is already ready in PERIS warehouses for its new commercial cycle. Carrocecano, peanut and Valencian pumpkins have different audiences depending on their intended uses. The great carruecano will serve as a base for stews and creams for the industry and greengrocers who sell them cut to the consumer’s taste. The peanuts, in their different sizes and hybrid or original variants, will arrive in greengrocers and supermarkets where they will preferably be sold whole or in halves. And finally, the sweet Valencian roteña pumpkin will be reserved to be roasted whole or in halves, or to be a key ingredient in traditional pastries throughout the Spanish Levant. It is incredible how well the pumpkin adapts to the new gastronomic customs that also consume them raw in salads or sautéed with meat, fish, pasta, stews… In fact, sales of PERIS ‘ fresh-cut squash are increasing every year, making it an essential basket staple for autumn and winter.