
The protagonist of Valencian paella

This large white bean is a gourmet delicacy, with a barely noticeable skin and a creamy interior, very different from other varieties of garrofón grown in other countries, with a thicker skin and sandy pulp.

In Peris we started several years ago the cultivation and commercialization of this legume traditionally grown in the Valencian Community. It is a difficult crop, sensitive to extreme heat, requires a trellis structure and constant supervision due to its great vivacity.

It has a great tradition in Valencian gastronomy since it used to be planted for private use in country houses during the winter, just like pumpkins.


The protagonist of Valencian paella

This large white bean is a gourmet delicacy, with a barely noticeable skin and a creamy interior, very different from other varieties of garrofón grown in other countries, with a thicker skin and sandy pulp. In Peris we started several years ago the cultivation and commercialization of this legume traditionally grown in the Valencian Community. It is a difficult crop, sensitive to extreme heat, requires a trellis structure and constant supervision due to its great vivacity.

Garrofón Peris

The Valencian locust bean shows different purple spots depending on the variety in question. In general, three traditional varieties can be highlighted: Garrofón moteado or pintado, Garrofón ojo de perdiz and Garrofón la cella. The three are differentiated by the type of purple stain on their thin skin, without affecting their soft and creamy interior. These white beans can also be cooked in stews with vegetables, fish and meat, as well as in the Valencian paella.
Authentic Valencian garrofón Vicente Peris, presented in a cloth bag, paper bag and plastic packaging.
Vicente Peris bag of authentic Valencian locust bean, a gourmet product.

Saquito de garrofón

The bag of Valencian garrofón includes between 1 and 1.5 kg of dried garrofón beans of any of the recognized varieties. This jute bag is designed for large consumers, especially the hotel and catering industry.

Locust bean paper bag

The biodegradable paper and PLA bag includes 300g of dried locust beans with a control window. It is a sufficient quantity to make a paella for more than 10 people.

Paper bag of authentic Vicente Peris Valencian garrofón, special paella.
Valencian authentic "Garrofón Valenciano Vicente Peris" terrine, special paella.

Bean casserole

The 100% recyclable PET jar includes a lid to use the 150g of Valencian beans and preserve them perfectly. It is a key format for paella and family rice dishes.

Properties of Locust Bean

The Valencian locust bean is a legume, one of the important foods in the nutritional pyramid. As for the nutritional benefits of dried locust beans, according to the Spanish Nutrition Federation (FEN), it is a food high in fiber, protein, potassium, iron, magnesium, phosphorus and folic acid. It is also a source of zinc.

Vicente Peris Valencian bean, special paella. Gourmet product.

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