Bodega Melon, the traditional autumn melon

With the arrival of autumn, the famous “guard” melons are arriving in the greengrocers’ shops thanks to PERIS. These melons remain in the shade of conditioned sheds, ripening the skin to its characteristic orange and copper tones. Inside, the flesh...

Melon Extra Peris Gold

Peris has presented to the professional its new line of extra quality melon Peris Dolce Gold Quality in order to complete its Peris Dolce range in the best qualities. A modern and elegant presentation that brings to life spectacular pieces selected among the best...

VICENTIN, A pleasure for the senses

Vicentín once again makes a difference with its new packaging design, which includes the key concepts of Vicente Peris’ flagship brand. With his pleasure for the senses, Vicentín exposes the keys of a universal fruit capable of reaching the category of gourmet...