Healthy Pomegranate in arilos

Healthy Pomegranate in arilos

End of summer and the sweetest and crunchiest pomegranates enter our clean room to fill the Peris and Frutifresh tubs. We only choose the sweetest varieties that change as the season progresses. The antioxidant power of pomegranate arils can be enjoyed in spoonfuls,...
Peris on route with the À Punt Gastroneta

Peris on route with the À Punt Gastroneta

La gastroneta is a program of the Valencian TV À Punt. Its presenter and chef travels around the Valencian Community doing interviews and elaborating recipes while interviewing illustrious citizens of the towns he travels through, in this program we have used celery,...
Doughnuts for the next Fallas

Doughnuts for the next Fallas

Fallas are approaching and pumpkin fritters are starting to be the protagonist of events and meetings. The Falla La Vila de Sagunto asked us for roasted pumpkin for their last buñolada so that they could shorten the process of making these popular fried sweets. With...