Enjoy the pumpkin all year round.

Enjoy the pumpkin all year round.

Peanut squash has an infinite number of uses in both savory and sweet dishes. It is a delicacy worthy of even the most demanding palates! Roasted, in rice dishes, as a dressing for pasta, in cream, in stews or on its own: the possibilities are so many and so exquisite...
Cane fiber for new celery trays

Cane fiber for new celery trays

The arrival of biodegradable packaging on the fruit and vegetable shelf is not very significant at the moment. Although there are exceptions and PERIS is one of them. We have incorporated trays made from sugarcane fiber bagasse into our celery preparations. This new...
Peris brings fruit to the frontline of the crisis

Peris brings fruit to the frontline of the crisis

Since the beginning of the COVID-19 crisis, the two Peris plants have been operating at full capacity, generating daily orders and meeting changes in demand from fruit growers. In the case of the Fresh Cut segment, the format of products to be consumed at home or to...