Fruit prepared in syrup. Questions

Fruit prepared in syrup. Questions

WHAT IS PREPARED FRUIT? FRUTIFRESH by Peris is a collection of fruits such as pineapple, orange, grapefruit, grapefruit, grape, apple, papaya or peach. All fruits do not admit the syrup bath with the same quality, so there are fruits that we cannot offer. Thanks to...
It’s time for Melon Bodega Peris

It’s time for Melon Bodega Peris

With the end of summer in La Mancha, the piel de sapo melons of the best varieties are stained with ocher and green colors on the outside and a slight pinkish tone in their flesh. For connoisseurs of Manchego melon, it is the sweetest and most aromatic melon of the...
Peris’ most creative promotion comes to an end

Peris’ most creative promotion comes to an end

After a summer full of participations in the promotion “your creativity has a prize” the time has come for the draw and finally we have the winner of a stay for 4 people in Port Aventura. THE lucky winner was Andrea Arrondo Beltrán, from Fustiñana,...
Pumpkin returns with the end of summer

Pumpkin returns with the end of summer

The pumpkin, known as the fruit of the autumn orchard, is already ready in PERIS warehouses for its new commercial cycle. Carrocecano, peanut and Valencian pumpkins have different audiences depending on their intended uses. The great carruecano will serve as a base...