In Vicente Peris we are producers of fruits and vegetables. This means that we are extremely fortunate to be able to make a living from such an ancient, dignified and necessary profession as agriculture.

Working with food is working with life. And we feel privileged to serve our customers, greengrocers and supermarkets, the best melons, watermelons, pumpkins and a long etcetera of products that besides being of excellent quality, are safe.

Food safety is our top priority. And we have certificates to prove it. The GLOBALG.A.P. certificate, which we have just renewed, is one of the most demanding in the sector, and in our case we have it associated with the production of melon, watermelon, pumpkin and white celery. In addition, we have incorporated a new certificate to our quality panel, the Chain of Custody (CoC, GLOBALG.A.P.) certificate, which allows us to market different GLOBALG.A.P. certified products, maintaining their status as certified products during the time they spend with us.

What does the GlobalG.A.P. certificate contribute to the control of our crops?

A lot! With this certification we ensuretransparency throughout the supply chain, from the field to the retailer’s hands, which guarantees product integrity and quality and generates confidence in our customers.

For example, our crops, being GLOBALG.A.P. certified, ensure food safety and traceability. It also certifies that the treatments carried out on the crop have been respectful of the environment and biodiversity. Also, that the field work has been supported by Integrated Crop Management, Integrated Pest Management, Quality Management Systems and Hazard Analysis and Critical Control Points. In other words, all practices have been safe, efficient and respectful of the product and the environment.

And we, having all this under control, are very satisfied and at ease. There is a lot of work and effort from all departments of the company to achieve such optimized and safe processes of cultivation and production of our fruits and vegetables. Without complexes, we can say that this is a great example of how we work at Vicente Peris to ensure the quality and food safety of our premium products.

The work in the plant is certified with IFS Food 6.1 and the organic certificate.

If the GlobalG.A.P. is the star certificate for control in the cultivation phase, to certify the work in the plant we have two more, the organic certificate and the IFS Food 6.1.

The organic certification allows us to work all production processes with organic products. That is, the storage, processing, labeling, labeling, handling, packaging, and processing of products whose origin is organic, a field of regulation with very strict regulations.

On the other hand, we also have the IFS Food 6.1 certificate, a standard implemented in Vicente Peris SA for more than 10 years, which helps us to monitor all the processes that take place in our facilities. With the help of this standard we certify the food safety and quality of all our products, such as, for example, the IV Range.

But that’s not all, we are also an innovative SME.

If you don’t know
our history
we invite you to do so. Because Vicente Peris is now in its third generation of producers and marketers of fruits and vegetables. And each time we have been taking a step further: expanding products, growing areas, marketing areas and investment capacity. An investment that, thanks also to state and regional funding and subsidies, has allowed us to obtain the seal of
Innovative SME

An example of how we have applied this investment in R&D&I has been our constant commitment to improving fruit preservation in cold environments. This has led us to create our clean room, where we work the fresh-cut range in a safe environment with controlled temperature and constant air microfiltration.

In short, a lot of work, effort and investment with the sole objective of making a difference in the agri-food sector, to provide the security that our customers are looking for and that consumers deserve.

Certified food safety logos

Certified food safety logos