Peris’ news is in our blog
IFS Food certifications renewed with honors in the plants of I, IV and V range.
If we at Vicente Peris had a table of the 10 commandments, the first of them would undoubtedly be to ensure food safety. It is, together with the highest product quality, our healthy obsession. So you will understand our great satisfaction at having recently renewed...
White celery, your ally against binge eating and as a source of potassium.
If you think of celery as a vegetable that is too fibrous, with annoying strands and a strong flavor, you have not yet tasted the white celery . The white variety of this vegetable is refined, with a mild flavor and delicate texture. And why are we telling you about...
Our ‘Melon with Serrano Ham’ is renewed and it does it together with the select charcuterie La Selva.
Conformity is not in our DNA, so we are always looking to improve the products we put on the market and their manufacturing processes. This is exactly what we have done with the 'Melon with Serrano Ham', one of our pre-prepared convenience food products which can be...
Vicente Peris: from the Huerta de Valencia to the world
In Vicente Peris we are children of the orchard, specifically of the Huerta de Valencia, a unique space that surrounds the city and that, in good part, still maintains the cultivation activity. Vicente Peris, the founder of our house, the grandfather, was born in...
By choosing a Peris product, you are making a commitment to food safety and sustainability.
In Vicente Peris we are producers of fruits and vegetables. This means that we are extremely fortunate to be able to make a living from such an ancient, dignified and necessary profession as agriculture. Working with food is working with life. And we feel privileged...
Peris is an innovative SME
The Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness has awarded VICENTE PERIS S.A. the Innovative SME seal. A public recognition that values the commitment to innovation in production activities related to fruits and vegetables of I, IV and V Range that we have been doing for...
Easy recipes to cook with fruits and succeed, from the hand of chef Lluís Penyafort.
Any of our Peris brand products, including fruit, can be the ingredient that makes the difference in your recipes. And what's more, many of them will make your day-to-day life easier, since you will find them ready to cook, or at least to give them the last touch in...
Last units of national watermelon ‘Peris Dolce’, available in our warehouses.
Although the watermelon campaign of origin Spain ended weeks ago in the fields of Castilla-La Mancha, in VICENTE PERIS we still have units available thanks to a careful planning. In fact, at PERIS we are one of the few suppliers, specialists in fruits and vegetables,...
Pumpkin, the secrets of the queen of autumn (+ 1 recipe you’ll love)
If October had a color, it would undoubtedly be orange. A pumpkin orange, because this is the queen fruit of autumn. And yes, we have said fruit and we have said it well, because that is the pumpkin, because inside it contains the seeds from which another pumpkin can...
Fruit prepared in syrup. Questions
WHAT IS PREPARED FRUIT? FRUTIFRESH by Peris is a collection of fruits such as pineapple, orange, grapefruit, grapefruit, grape, apple, papaya or peach. All fruits do not admit the syrup bath with the same quality, so there are fruits that we cannot offer. Thanks to...
Healthy Pomegranate in arilos
End of summer and the sweetest and crunchiest pomegranates enter our clean room to fill the Peris and Frutifresh tubs. We only choose the sweetest varieties that change as the season progresses. The antioxidant power of pomegranate arils can be enjoyed in spoonfuls,...
It’s time for Melon Bodega Peris
With the end of summer in La Mancha, the piel de sapo melons of the best varieties are stained with ocher and green colors on the outside and a slight pinkish tone in their flesh. For connoisseurs of Manchego melon, it is the sweetest and most aromatic melon of the...
Peris’ most creative promotion comes to an end
After a summer full of participations in the promotion "your creativity has a prize" the time has come for the draw and finally we have the winner of a stay for 4 people in Port Aventura. THE lucky winner was Andrea Arrondo Beltrán, from Fustiñana, Navarra, who sent a...
Pumpkin returns with the end of summer
The pumpkin, known as the fruit of the autumn orchard, is already ready in PERIS warehouses for its new commercial cycle. Carrocecano, peanut and Valencian pumpkins have different audiences depending on their intended uses. The great carruecano will serve as a base...
The use of rPET and its advantages
The term Plastic is used to describe a wide range of synthetic or semi-synthetic materials, which in certain temperature ranges acquire the elasticity and flexibility to be molded, maintaining their shape upon cooling. They are used in a growing number of...