If you are one of those who have enjoyed a Peris melon of any of our brands this summer:
Peris Dolce, Peris Gold, Peris Nature, Vicentín or 18 Quilates.
we are sure that you will have been licking your lips.

The 2021 season for Peris piel de sapo Peris melons from Murcia has been exceptional and this has been noted in sales, which have increased by 40%.

The quality of our melons has been excellent both in terms of size, production volume and brix degrees, which is the way we measure the sweetness of each piece. 14.5 and 16 brix degrees. A luxury!

The secret of the best piel de sapo melons

The secret of the high level of this campaign is due to a combination of factors, such as the selection of seeds, the location of the fields and the cultivation techniques used.

Our consolidated position in the market, as well as the upward trend of our capacity as a melon trading company, has led us to take an important decision for next year, to increase by 10% the hectares of melon cultivation in Murcia, so that in 2022 we can still put on the market a greater volume of Peris melons.

Peris melons even in Arab Emirates

Most of our melon production has remained in Spain, but 20% has reached other countries where Spanish melon is highly appreciated. In fact, this summer they have taken Peris piel de sapo melon in countries such as France, Germany, Austria and the United Arab Emirates, markets that are very demanding in terms of the quality of the fruits and vegetables they import.

Sustainable farming and zero waste melons


Obtaining the highest quality piel de sapo melons is our priority objective, but always based on sustainability. Therefore, 100% of the melon marketed by Vicente Peris grown in the Region of Murcia has been worked under Global GAP standards, with the application of Integrated Crop Management and Integrated Pest Management techniques.

This work process, implemented by the company for more than 10 years, has meant that in the 2021 season, more than 50% of the melons obtained will be completely free of residues from the usual cultivation process.

This has made it possible for them to be marketed under the brand ‘Peris Nature’ zero waste.
Peris Nature’ zero waste
brand, exclusively designed by the company for this type of products with a sustainable profile.

The Murcia melon season has already ended until next year, however, our system of work and care for the crop, and the work in different producing areas, allow us to market high quality piel de sapo melon throughout the year.

So if you are a melon lover who enjoys this magnificent fruit from spring to winter, you will continue to find our melons in the best greengrocers and supermarkets throughout the year.