We have known for a long time, quality cannot be improvised. In fact, quite the contrary. It is the result of constant work, attention to every detail, the involvement of the entire team and, above all, the unwavering commitment to offer our customers safe products of the highest quality.
Today we want to share a piece of news that reflects this effort: we have renewed the IFS v8 Certificate in our two production centers, the I Range, in Foios, and the IV Range, in Albuixech.
This new version of the certificate includes more demanding requirements that we have successfully passed. What do these changes mean? Basically, they ensure that at Peris we continue to take care of every step, from the field to the table, to offer reliable products.
What’s new in the v8 version of the IFS certificate?
The IFS v8 standard reinforces with 4 new requirements key aspects such as:
– Food safety control: we constantly review and validate our processes to avoid any possible risk.
– Chemical management: we ensure safe storage and use to avoid contamination.
– Environmental monitoring: We implement rigorous programs to maintain safe and healthy environments at our sites.
– Fast and effective corrections: in the event of any deviation, we take immediate action to correct and prevent.
The certificate promotes a culture of food safety, which involves continuous training of our team, fluid communication and monitoring of daily tasks.
Committed to the highest quality standards
In addition to IFS v8, we also have other important certificates such as:
– GlobalG.A.P. and GlobalG.A.P. chain of custody, which guarantee good agricultural practices both in the crop and with the human team.
– 14001 certification, which reinforces our commitment to the environment and sustainability.
These awards are proof that at Peris we leave nothing to chance. From the selection of seeds to the processing and packaging of our products, everything follows a process designed to offer the best.
Our main objective, uncompromising quality
Exceeding these standards is not only an obligation, but a sign of our commitment to you: customers, partners and consumers.
Because at Peris, quality is a way of doing things. And that is what will continue to guide us, now and forever. Peris’ little word! 😉