Have you ever thought if a cooked vegetable has the same properties as a raw one? It is an interesting question to ask yourself because the answer may not be what you expect, and in this article we are going to give you some clues.
Raw food: the power of freshness
Consuming raw fruits and vegetables is an excellent way to get the most out of their nutrients. Vitamins, especially water-soluble vitamins such as vitamin C, remain almost intact when fresh. This means that when you bite into a slice of melon or enjoy raw carrot sticks, you get almost all the vitamins and minerals present in these foods. A common myth is that the vitamins in fruit juices disappear if they are left in the air. However, laboratory tests confirm that losses are negligible. Even if a juice is left to stand until the next day, the loss of vitamins is less than 1%, protected by a thin surface film that acts as a natural shield against oxidation. You can tell your mother! I’m sure she’s told you about the vitamins in juice a few times. 😉
Cooked vegetables: delicious textures and enhanced flavors, but…
When heat is applied to fruits and vegetables, such as when roasting or boiling, some vitamins are affected. The most sensitive ones are the water-soluble ones, such as vitamin C. For example, pumpkin loses part of this vitamin when cooked, although it does not disappear completely. However, cooking also has its advantages. In some cases, heat makes certain nutrients more easily absorbed by the body. In addition, cooking can help reduce compounds that hinder the digestibility of certain foods.
Peris: versatile products for all tastes
At Vicente Peris we are aware of the importance of offering products that adapt to your preferences, whether they are raw or cooked. It is true that some of our products are mostly consumed cooked, such as pumpkin or white celery, so we are going to give you some ideas for raw consumption of these foods. – Pumpkin: it is a common ingredient in creams, as for example this thai pumpkin cream, But have you ever tried it raw? We recommend it to you! Cut it into thin slices or cubes and prepare a fresh salad with nuts and cheese. – White celery: Its characteristic crunchy texture makes it an ideal ingredient to eat raw in sticks, accompanied by hummus or light creams. But it is also delicious when cooked and used in soups, creams or stews.
Balance is the key
The recommendation of nutritionists is clear: a combination of raw and cooked foods is the best option to maintain a balanced diet. While raw foods guarantee the maximum use of certain vitamins, cooked foods provide variety and new culinary experiences. So, the next time you have a Peris pumpkin pumpkin in your hands, think about whether you’re in the mood for a comforting cream or a different salad. With our products, creativity in the kitchen is guaranteed.