“Water is life. To leave no one behind, water takes care” .

That’s the slogan to the rhythm of a song presented by FAO to commemorate World Healthy Food Day 2023 (October 16) and raise awareness among children.

Water is essential for the life of the planet and all living beings that inhabit it. And water is a finite resource that is not always properly cared for. Scarcity, pollution… There are many factors that exert enormous pressure on it.

The use of water in agriculture makes it possible to produce food, so it is not ‘wasted’ water, it is water used to feed the population.

The agricultural sector in Spain has been making an enormous effort for years to improve efficiency in water consumption. Drip irrigation is a great example, which avoids wasting water, providing only what the crop needs, when it needs it and where it needs it.

For example, among the efficient practices that we carry out in Peris for the irrigation of our crops, drip irrigation is one of them. We also take into account the time at which we irrigate, calculate the water needed for each crop and carry out adequate maintenance of the irrigation infrastructure.

These practices for efficient water use in crops are discussed in more detail in this article
article on drought

But today what we want is to offer you ways to save water in your gardens, growing tables and in the irrigation of your potted plants. Because this is everyone’s job, do you want to save water?

10 ideas to save water when watering your plants at home, in your garden or on your grow table

1. Choose plants that require less water

If you have a garden, opt for native plants, which will be adapted to the climate of your area. Another option is to bet on succulents, there are many, sure you will find the one you love. This type of plants, like cacti, are drought resistant and do not need excessive watering.If you have a garden, as far as possible avoid grass, it is very beautiful, but its water consumption is very high.

Water at the right time

There are two perfect times to water your plants, early in the day and late in the evening. If you water during the hottest or sunniest hours, part of the water will evaporate and will not perform its function.

3. Use mulch on the ground

Mulching consists of covering the soil with organic materials, such as dry leaves, straw or wood chips. The mulch protects the soil from high temperatures, providing greater moisture retention.

4. Install drip irrigation

If you have a garden, there is no excuse. If you have a balcony, the logistics may be a little more complicated. But what is clear is that programmed drip irrigation will give you many benefits. Water savings will be considerable, since irrigation goes directly to the root of the plants. It will also free you from constantly watering your plants and will be the solution so that your plants do not suffer or die when you go on vacation.

5. Collect rainwater

When rain comes, set out buckets and basins to collect as much as you can and use it to water your plants.

6. Water less but better

Instead of watering every day with a little water, try watering less but more intensively to soak the soil well. This will also encourage the roots to seek nourishment in deeper layers, which will also contribute to its resistance to drought.

7. Hoses with nozzles and watering cans, your allies.

The hoses that allow adjusting the water flow and the sprinklers, which allow a better distribution of irrigation, will also contribute to considerable water savings.

8. Control soil moisture

Sometimes the top layer of the soil is dry, however, in deeper layers there is moisture and you can save an irrigation. Moisture meters will help you to obtain this data. You can find them at a very economical price.

9. Reuse the water you use in the kitchen.

The water from cooking vegetables once cooled or the water you use to wash fruits and vegetables is perfect for watering your plants. Of course, as long as they do not contain additives (salt, baking soda, soaps…).

10. Discover the self-watering pots

Do you know them? They are pots that have a water reservoir at the base and water the plant according to its needs. Let’s say that instead of watering from above, you water from below, and only with the necessary volume.

We hope you have found these tips to save water when watering your plants or garden useful. Every drop counts, and so does what each of us does.