Welcome to Peris,
melon producers
with more than 35 years committed to our own history!

Three generations of the family have given and continue to give life to Vicente PERIS, professional farmers and traders of melons and other exquisite fruits and vegetables such as watermelon, pumpkin, spring onion or white celery, indispensable in the gastronomic offer of our country.

Since the business was born, we have remained faithful to the same demanding style of the first day, which has led us to achieve an excellent adaptation in the markets of the main Spanish cities and to reach the highest distinction. An honor for all of us who are part of Peris, directly and indirectly!

Quality in capital letters, the driving concept of our melon growers.

Responsibility, organization, foresight, perseverance and focus on a clear idea: these are the values under which we work at Peris and which have positioned us, for years, as a benchmark in the sector for both professionals and end consumers.

Premium melon and watermelon tradition is our flagship

Global Gap. Most of the fields that give life to our fruit comply with the demanding Global Gap certification, which aims to ensure compliance with good agricultural practices. Our contribution to caring for the countryside and the planet is to work clean and sustainable plantations.
Innovation. We evolve together with fruit varieties and researchers from all over the world. We promote improvements and foster knowledge among future professional buyers.
ECO products. We are certified as an ecological operator and we apply rigorous control systems in our processes that ensure respect for nature. The result? Healthy and appetizing fruits.
Zero Waste. We have batches of melon, watermelon and pumpkin that are labeled with the Zero Residue identifier, which certifies that at the time of harvesting they have a total absence of chemical residues inherited from treatments they have received during their cultivation.
Farmers. In our company, the families who plant, transplant and cultivate together with Peris are the real heroes of this whole story. Thanks to their work, we harvest fruits and vegetables that are balanced and capable of providing us with unique gastronomic experiences.

As you can see, tradition and innovation come together in our production processes and in the final result of our fruits and vegetables. From Vicente Peris, as melon producers, we are committed to continue offering traditional products with an added value that satisfy the palates of even the most demanding palates.

Welcome to Peris!