Melon Piel de Sapo

Melon producers since 1944

At Peris we are producers of piel de sapo melons, a fruit of which we know all its secrets since we have been growing and marketing it since 1944.

Throughout these years we have achieved excellence and international recognition for the quality of our different brands of piel de sapo melon.

Melones Peris, the best quality melon

The varieties of Peris piel de sapo melons that we grow are chosen depending on their adaptation to each geographical area and the quality they offer. Among the melon varieties we work with, we have the most outstanding in the market, such as Cordial (Grand Prix), Mesura, Valderas, Gran Rivero, Quijote, Valdemar and Valverde, among others.

The choice of the best melon variety depends on the location of the growing area, its climate and its resistance to pests and diseases. As specialists in the cultivation of piel de sapo melons, we know the needs of the plant and are able to anticipate its needs during the three-month growth cycle of the melon plant.

18 Quilates, Peris Gold and Vicentín, the melon brands of Vicente Peris.
18 Carats a brand of melons from Vicente Peris.

18 Carat: the world’s best melon

In its origin, the comparison between the sweet and golden interior of the melon and the most appreciated metal of our culture was a very popular differential value. The experience, the satisfaction provoked by an 18 carat toad skin melon is located in the memory, where memories are worth their weight in gold. It is not possible to make comparisons with other melons, because as we know at this stage of life, unique things have a personality that is fashion-proof.

Vicentín: a pleasure for the senses

Vicentín is synonymous with a great selection of piel de sapo melons. Vicentín melons are the maximum expression of each harvest, chosen one by one by our specialists according to their origin, shape, color and flavor. The quality criteria that a piel de sapo melon must meet to become a Vicentín are so demanding that sometimes we do not have the right product and we are forced to cancel orders. This Peris standard is the origin of the legend of Vicentín among lovers of the best melons in the world. You can find Vicentín in the best fruit shops in Spain and also in our online store. What are you waiting for to try it!

Vicentín a brand of melons from Vicente Peris.
Peris Gold Quality a brand of melons from Vicente Peris.

Peris Gold Quality: the Peris Gold

Peris Gold melons are a continuation of the tradition of our historical brand ‘Oro de Cuiper’. In 1944, our founder, Vicente Peris, popularized in the markets of Madrid and Barcelona the Valencian marjal melons, with sweet and firm flesh due to its variety and cultivation in slightly saline lands. Years later, there are still many who remember and evoke those childhood flavors when they enjoy our Peris Gold melons.

Peris Dolce: our most popular brand

Peris Dolce is our most universal toad skin melon, marketed by hundreds of greengrocers throughout the country. It is harvested when the melons are at optimum ripeness, presenting an optimum combination of vanilla aromas, crisp and golden flesh. These melons are carefully harvested and transferred, and after a few days of rest are selected to put the distinctive label of consistent quality, a guarantee of success and pleasure.

Peris Dolce, the most popular brand of Vicente Peris melons.
Vicente Peris cut melon tub without skin.

Fresh-cut cantaloupe: healthy fast food

At Peris we are pioneers in the production of pre-prepared convenience food melon (pre-prepared convenience food) in controlled atmosphere, and shrink-wrapped melon in halves format, with growing sales, and tubs of melon cut and packaged in our clean room, a product with a seven-day shelf life that is marketed under the Frutifresh and Peris brands.

Melon properties

Melon is a fruit with a high water content (92%) and a low sugar content (6%), a much lower percentage than other fruits. In addition, melon is a source of fiber and is rich in vitamin C. Vitamin C contributes to the protection of cells against oxidative damage, helps reduce fatigue and contributes to the normal formation of collagen for the normal functioning of bones, cartilage, gums and skin, among many other benefits. According to the Spanish Federation of Nutrition, 300 grams of rindless melon provide 75% of the recommended daily intake of vitamin C.

Melon Vicente Peris cut in half.

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