Peris’ news is in our blog

When is the best time to eat fruit?

When is the best time to eat fruit?

We know that fruit is a pillar of a healthy diet, but... Are there better times than others to consume it: before, during or after meals? Here we tell you about it with a bit of science and common sense, without leaving aside something that in Peris we like very much,...

Vegetables, raw better than cooked?

Vegetables, raw better than cooked?

Have you ever thought if a cooked vegetable has the same properties as a raw one? It is an interesting question to ask yourself because the answer may not be what you expect, and in this article we are going to give you some clues. Raw food: the power of freshness...

5 recipes with simple ingredients for a luxurious Christmas

5 recipes with simple ingredients for a luxurious Christmas

Can you feel it in the air? Christmas is just around the corner! At this time of the year, sharing a delicious table with our loved ones is one of the most beautiful traditions. And you don't need to get complicated with extravagant ingredients to surprise and delight...

Introducing a new reusable container for fruits in syrup

Introducing a new reusable container for fruits in syrup

If you know us, you already know it. At Vicente Peris we are committed to quality and sustainability. And this is reflected not only in our products, but also in every detail that surrounds them. For 80 years we have been working to offer fresh, safe and delicious...

Quality permeates everything, or so it should be in any company.

Quality permeates everything, or so it should be in any company.

At Peris, we use the word quality a lot, but it doesn't wear out. We polish it every day and try to underpin it more and more, so that this concept becomes an ever larger umbrella under which all the company's departments are sheltered. We have a quality department,...

Our best gourmet melon campaign in five years

Our best gourmet melon campaign in five years

At Peris we are celebrating. Not only because this year we celebrate our 80th anniversary, but also because we have closed the best gourmet melon season in the last five years. This 2024 we have increased the production of our Vicentín gourmetmelon by 109% compared to...