This summer, sales of our ’18 Carat’ melon are like thermometers, skyrocketing!This season we have sold more than 80% of what we sold last season.
If you know ’18 Quilates’ we will not have much to tell you, because you will have already seen its size(melons over 4.5 kilos), its appearance(perfect shape) and its taste(sweet, juicy, with that ideal texture…).
If you don’t know them, we give you two brushstrokes.
The 18 Carats are chosen among the best of the best. That is, you pick
our best melons
and from that select group, which has already undergone a demanding selection, you choose the best ones. The percentage is minimal, because we are very demanding, and we want each of these melons to make those who enjoy them dream.
18 Carat’, the most sought-after melons
The selection is so strict that although we have melons of other brands throughout the year(Gold, Peris Dolce, Peris Nature…) during most of the year you will not be able to find ’18 Carats’ in the market.
They are such an exclusive product, that we have customers who tell us that as soon as we have ’18 Carats’ they want to place their order. In fact, a large percentage of these toad skin melons are already sold before we get our hands on them.
Remember that two paragraphs ago we told you that ’18 Carats’ is a selection of the best of the best? The other group of melons are also within our melons great selection and these will be labeled with the brand ‘Vicentín’, another of those that are very well considered in the market for its high quality.
In total, ’18 Quilates’ and ‘Vicentín’ account for a select 9% of our overall production, to give you an idea of the quality level of these piel de sapo melons.
We conclude this article with another curiosity: ’18 Quilates’ is the oldest brand of melons in Spain, since we registered it in 1947 and it is still on the market 75 years later. Quite a milestone! And yet another sign of how well established it is in the market.